Online IB Chem Tutors and proffers highly experienced, trained and specialised Online IB Chem Tutors (HL, SL). In addition, we also avail professional IB Chemistry IA tutors. Register now for a FREE (1 Hour) DEMO SESSION!

Online IB Chem Tutors

IB DP Chemistry is an experimental science. It combines academic study with the acquisition of practical and investigational skills. As a matter fact, it is known as the central science. This because, its chemical principles underpin both the physical environment in which we live and all biological systems. Apart from being a subject worthy of study in its own right, chemistry is a prerequisite for many other courses in higher education, such as medicine, biological science and environmental science, and serves as useful preparation for employment.

IB Chemistry HL, SL

The Diploma Programme chemistry course includes the essential principles of the subject but also, through selection of options, allows teachers some flexibility to tailor the course to meet the needs of their students. The course is available at both standard level (SL) and higher level (HL), and therefore accommodates students who wish to study science in higher education and those who do not. IB Elite Academy provides the following list of things to IB Student:

  1. Online IB Chem TutorsExpert one on one online IB Tutors for any given IB Subject
  2. Highly experienced IB Home Tutors
  3. Specialised Online IB Internal Assessment (IA) Tutors
  4. In addition, we avail Top-notch IB Extended Essay (EE) Tutors
  5. Furthermore, we also provide Topic wise notes for any given IB Subject, grade and level
  6. Topic wise assignment sheets based on past papers
  7. Solved past papers for any given IB Subject
  8. Entire IB Chemistry HL, SL revision guide
  9. Carefully designed numerical sets for any given IB Chemistry HL, SL topic

Benefits with Online IB Chem Tutors 

Firstly, learning with online IB Chem tutors is highly effective – personalized. In addition, it’s one to one, highly flexible, possible anytime and anywhere learning across the globe. IB Elite Academy online tutors are available 24/7 tutoring. Furthermore, you access to any academic and technical support any given time. Moreover, you access to our highly quality Study material and learning resources. Finally, you can have the opportunity to access highly experienced  IB Chemistry tutors with tonnes of experience in online tutoring.