Online IB Maths Tutors  avails highly experienced , specialised and trained Online IB Maths Tutors both at all four levels (Further HL, HL, SL and Studies level). In addition, we also proffer experienced IB Maths home tutors

As a matter of fact, the IB Mathematics is described by a renowned author quotes “Many who have had an opportunity of knowing any more about mathematics confuse it with arithmetic, and consider it an arid science. In reality, however, it is a science which requires a great amount of imagination.”

Online IB Maths TutorsIB Mathematics offers three different courses in mathematics. These courses are designed for different types of students because individual students have different needs, interests and abilities, and to fulfill the requirements of various university and career aspirations. Mathematical Studies SL This course is available at SL only. It caters for students with varied

Mathematics in IB(MYP), IB(DP) a syllabus forth giving odds, covering a range of material listed in the Prior Learning Topics, and other skills and concepts that you might consider to be ‘fundamental’ for Maths Studies/ Maths SL/ Maths HL. According to the prescribed criterion syllabus, and content available, we plan tests at intervals.

Our faculties work on their methodology, dividing and allotting time for each unit, intending and focusing on the planned devoted time for each unit, helping each student complete their overall plan in the given span of time.

In addition to our guidance, we help the students to do some thinking- may be some reading or research on a topic for their Maths IA. Furthermore, all our IB faculties is well-versed with the International Baccalaureate syllabus criterion. Our IB teachers mould the IB students to their needs, possessed with superb skills of autonomous problem solving and troubleshooting ability prioritising the needs of every IB & IGCSE students.

IB Maths Tutors 

Constituting ourselves for IB Maths Tutors we have numerous IB familiar and experienced teachers. In addition, our IB tutors easily available all over Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida. Moreover, we guarantee high grades through our well-defined system (Concepts delivery, to the points assignment and assessments). We ensure loads of real IB Exam question practise for students. Uniquely, this ensures great help IB Students. It clear their IB Maths concepts of every single units and topic (Assignment includes Subtopics wise mix of exercise and exam style question).

Online IGCSE Mathematics Tutors provided highly experienced and CAIE trained Online IGCSE Mathematics Tutors. In addition, we help IGCSE Students learn to apply Mathematics in other subjects, particularly science and technology and they acquire a foundation appropriate to their further study of Mathematics and other disciplines. The IGCSE Mathematics curriculum in Years 10 – 11 is based on the University of Cambridge International general Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). It aims to

IGCSE Mathematics Syllabus

All students will study the following topics:

  • Number
  • Algebra and graphs
  • Mensuration
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Co-ordinate geometry
  • Matrices and transformations
  • Probability
  • Statistics


Core examination. Grades available: C to G
Paper 1: short answer questions, one hour exam
Paper 3: structured questions, two hour exam

Extended examination: Grades available: A* – E
Paper 2: short answer questions, one and a half hour exam
Paper 4: structured questions, two and a half hour exam

IB Elite Academy providing private IB tutoring service in Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai. In addition also provide IGCSE Home tuitions. Our classes through Online mode are very effect and keeping in mind the comforts of each and every IGCSE and IB student.

  1. Firstly , we provide highly experience Online IB Maths Tutors
  2. Small Batches (Max of 3-4 student per batch)
  3. Expertly designed topic wise assignment for any given IB subject and grade. We have more than 2,000 maths topic wise questions for practice.
  4. In addition, we also provide Topic wise & Full-length assessment.
  5. Furthermore, we provide Separate set of teachers for assessment.
  6. After assessment we do discussion and work on grey areas.
  7. Important to realise, we also enure Exam oriented preparation.
  8. Solved IGCSE and IB past years paper for any given subject.
  9. Make students believe that with proper planning they can achieve their goals.